Available Crested Geckos
Copy Code Here: NSE-FEB25-BENEFITS
ACR - Crested Geckos for Sale
- Every gecko sold here comes from our own bloodlines, all developed in-house with founding stock acquired in the early-mid 2000's.
- Our geckos commonly attain weights in the 70 gram range, with many reaching 90 plus grams, being fed only twice per week. This is the result of two factors - selecting for size/structure and constant genetic outcrossing.
- We've been breeding, selling and shipping crested geckos professionally for over 20 years. We'll be there for you before and after the sale. Today, well over half of our business is from repeat buyers and most new customers are word-of-mouth referrals.
- No-Nonsense Health Guarantee - 30 Days on Individually Pictured Geckos, 7 Days on Wholesale
You are currently viewing all individually pictured crested geckos.
- Limited Availability
- Females
- Males
- Unsexed - Hatchling/Juvenile
- Base Color - Lavender/Black
- Base Color - Pink/Red
- Base Color - Yellow/Orange
- Pixel - ACR Line
- Empty Back
- Phantoms
- Soft Scales & Super Softs
- Tangerine Pigment
- Whiteout & Whitewall
- Dalmatians
- Harlequin
- Harry Lineage
- Lilly White Combos
- Tiger (All Pattern Combos)
- Porthole Laterals
- Margin - Trait/Gene